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Ingenium Digital Health Advisors – Insights2023-07-12T20:35:58-04:00

Telehealth Tuesday Articles

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A Waste of Telehealth: Are You Leaving Patients Behind and Money on the Table?

By |June 4th, 2024|

Telehealth, when deployed properly, offers tremendous benefits to patients and great financial value to clinics. Yet most healthcare CEOs and especially CMOs seemingly are oblivious to telehealth’s potential as [...]

Tech-Enabled Care Model for the Community Health Center of the Future

By |March 26th, 2024|

While Community Health Centers have long used technology, mostly for managing operations and the revenue cycle, many CHCs are only just now beginning to employ more “modern” technologies such as [...]

Transforming Access to Care in Rural America: An Innovative Systems Approach

By |February 27th, 2024|

Despite many social and technical advancements over the past decades, the absence of public transportation, limited access to technology and high-speed internet, low digital literacy, and multi-job & child care [...]

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