Happy New Year 2024!
Did you get caught up on all your reading over the holidays? If not, maybe you can get at least caught up on Telehealth Tuesday over the weekend.
As we wrapped up 2023 in December, our Telehealth Tuesday articles focused on a very useful concept for healthcare leaders and telehealth administrators: telehealth maturity.
Just like we humans cannot run before we crawl and walk, similarly telehealth programs need to go through different stages of growth and maturity before they can unfold their full potential.
Wrapping the year (technically on January 2) we then picked the most valuable 14 articles.
So, grab some hot tea, some Christmas Candy left overs and dive into the world of telehealth!
Enjoy your readings!
How Mature is Your Telehealth Program?
Maturity comes from experience, not age. This article describes the 7 levels of Telehealth Program Maturity that provide a great roadmap toward transformative telehealth success.
From Chaos to Supported: Growing Telehealth Maturity
In this article I describe the first four levels of our Telehealth Program Maturity Model: Chaotic, Emerging, Coordinated, and Supported.
Transforming Care Delivery through Telehealth
Moving through the various stages of Telehealth Maturity is like the life cycle of the butterfly: It is the final transformation into a fluttering beauty that we ultimately desire. In this final article on Telehealth Maturity find out how to reach the ultimate stage of “Transformative” telehealth.
Best of Telehealth Tuesday 2023
We started 2024 off with a review of the best and most helpful articles of 2023. If you or a colleague need a primer on telehealth, its uses and its value, this compilation is a great start.