Achieving Transformation Through

Strategy-driven Execution

Meaningful Transformation is the result of the thoughtful prioritization of limited resources (a.k.a. strategic planning) and disciplined execution on the high-priority objectives. Yet only very few organizations are mature enough to consistently implement both practices.

This session is about one of those organizations that over the past 10 years has built a flywheel of consistently achieving all of its strategic goals year after year.In this case study we share the leadership-driven journey of a large rural behavioral health agency in Vermont: From adding telehealth to their strategic plan in 2019 to the development of digital health strategy in 2023.

This video is set up with chapters. Use the chapter icon to navigate.

Click below to download a copy of the Presentation

Additional Resources

Telehealth Tuesday

Every Tuesday, Christian sends you a pragmatic, insightful article about telehealth strategy and implementation along with a short personal commentary.

If you’d like, read the articles Christian has written in the past newsletters.

Articles & White Papers
Connect with Christian

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text, email, or schedule a
video meeting.
