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Telehealth & Covid-19

Are You Steering Your Telehealth Success

By |July 23rd, 2024|

…or are you drifting rudderless on the virtual care ocean? Clear is Kind. Unclear is Unkind — Brené Brown Accountability breeds response-ability. — Stephen Covey During the Covid-19 health crisis many organizations hastily launched telehealth. [...]

Maximizing the ROI of Telehealth

By |July 9th, 2024|

By now, telehealth has become table stakes for any organization providing healthcare services, though surprisingly few leaders are putting resources toward a build out and growth of their telehealth services. Equally surprising, quite a number [...]

The 7 Critical Qualities of a Rock Star Telehealth Coordinator

By |June 18th, 2024|

Nothing irritates clinicians more than not having ready access to support. And if there is one thing that prevents many clinicians from fully embracing video visits, it’s the lack of training and the concern that when something goes wrong, [...]

Healthcare’s Convoluted Business Model That Stifles Innovation Adoption

By |June 11th, 2024|

In essence, a business model is a plan for how to make a profit. But business plans are not just limited to startup ventures, digital health vendors, or healthcare delivery organizations. Business models apply to any innovation in business [...]

A Waste of Telehealth: Are You Leaving Patients Behind and Money on the Table?

By |June 4th, 2024|

Telehealth, when deployed properly, offers tremendous benefits to patients and great financial value to clinics. Yet most healthcare CEOs and especially CMOs seemingly are oblivious to telehealth’s potential as an antidote to many of the serious problems their organizations [...]

Telehealth in Libraries: Read a Book, See a Doc

By |May 28th, 2024|

During this spring’s telehealth conference season (held by MATRC, NRTRC, gpTRAC, and ATA) I have heard about multiple initiatives to bring access to care through booths and Telehealth Access Points in libraries. In addition to the Delaware library system’s [...]

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