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Blasphemous Telehealth Secrets2021-10-01T02:27:42-04:00

Why Physicians Don’t Like Being on Camera

By |July 26th, 2022|Tags: , , |

All Great Truths begin as Blasphemies.~George Bernard ShawBlasphemous Telehealth Secrets, Part 1While the adoption of telehealth did skyrocket during the first months of the Covid-19 health crisis (as high as 90% in some health systems), most of it quickly reverted to “audio-only telemedicine” (or: phone calls, as we used to [...]

Best Practices are not the Solution for Telehealth Success

By |September 28th, 2021|Tags: , |

All Great Truths begin as Blasphemies.~George Bernard Shaw Blasphemous Telehealth Secrets, Part 2I get it. In these busy, stressful, rapidly-changing times, people are constantly looking for quick fixes, proven solutions, even silver bullets. Especially in healthcare the desire to “just share with me a best practice” or the quest for “let [...]

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